Our online A-level biology summer school will help you get a head start on the next school year.
Whether you’re making the transition from GCSE to A-levels (and we have a blog that may help), or heading towards your exam year and more detailed topics in Year 13, I can help!
Our online A-level biology summer school offers you:
- Friendly, one-to-one daytime sessions available during the summer holidays.
- Our summer masterclass sessions for small groups will be running over the summer, at a reduced rate. (£30 compared to £35). We’re covering 4 important areas on Wednesday evenings (5:30-6:30pm) in August (see below for timetable) Email John@wooltontutors.co.uk to book your place.
(The sessions are designed to be useful for AQA, Edexcel and OCR students)07/08/24 Genes and protein synthesis (and exam practice) 14/08/24 Meiosis and mitosis (and exam practice) 21/08/24 The immune response (and exam practice) 28/08/24 Biological molecules (and exam practice) - We are also taking booking for the term-time A-level biology masterclass, starting October 2024.
- Extra help and Q&A via ask an expert is free for all our students.
- Ideal revision and practice to improve predicted grades for UCAS or medical school applications.
- Sessions are flexible around you and your summer holiday plans 🙂
For A-level Biology students about to start Y12 (AS):
- Help getting ready for A-level biology, with a head start on biological molecules, cells, DNA and other topics you’ll meet in the first year of A-level biology.
- Gently make the transition from GCSE to A-level, seeing where the course builds on what you already know.
- Get answers to any questions you might have about the course, or the science itself.
- Top up your maths skills ready for the “maths for biologists” aspect of the A-level course.
- Explore the different types of questions that come up in mocks, class tests and the A-level exams themselves.
- Put A-level biology topics into context, reflecting on the latest research, career ideas, and university prospects.
For A-level biology students entering Year 13 (A2):
- Recap your Year 12/ AS biology learning, with “troubleshooting” on any topics you find challenging.
- Work on areas for improvement following mock exams or class test results.
- Get a head start on Year 13 topics that delve deeper into DNA, genetics and the nervous system.
- Work on skills you need for the A-level biology exams –
Learning (approaching and remembering biological “facts”)
Understanding (feeling comfortable and confident with the processes of life)
Presenting (putting your knowledge on paper in a way that gets you the marks you deserve) - Focussing on the assessment outcomes (AO) of the major exam boards.
- Work on specific aspects of the exam, such as “evaluate” questions, “application” questions and exam technique.
- Practice and receive feedback on answers to longer questions (or essays for AQA paper 3).
- Boost your confidence ahead of the new term.
If this sounds useful, get in touch for a chat about our A-level biology summer school and we’ll take it from there.
All the best,
Dr John Ankers is a specialist online A-level biology tutor, coach and writer